That's the way our reality is wired on this level:
day & night
yes & no
confirming & denying
Complementary pairs of qualities that make the dance complete.
ever so often a pair of emotions gets split up
between two partners
between a parent and child
between two groups of people
This is then either the beginning of a war of some kind
or the moment we catch ourselves
The moment we remember that
day without night is merciless
"yes" without "no" is meaningless
confirming without denying is out of balance
Caught in the polarisation with our partner we may draw the conclusion that we're incompatible
We can start to understand that on the level of our material life -
that is composed of
our physical body
our emotions
and our mind -
things show up in pairs
we can expand our perception beyond this duality
Life keeps on inviting us to embrace the whole pair
through bringing the ignored, neglected, or unaware aspects into our field
in the form of another human being
so that we can bring love to both qualities inside of ourselves
and live in peace with the whole pair of emotions